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Fudiva - a self portrait

Based on an inventory of musical, aesthetic, ideological references from the decade in which I was born, I proposed a “portrait act” of an emblematic female figure from the 1980s. From this matrix - a dated woman, with contours considered to be typical of the male universe and who lives in a loop of addictions - I looked for echo to talk about my vicissitudes. In order to show the process of redundancy, of moving without leaving the place, which is characteristic of the character, I created an aerial acrobatics device that rotates on its own axis, giving material consistency to the metaphorical image of a life in looping. This project was contemplated by ProAC Artes Circenses (Cultural Action Program of the State of São Paulo).



Manô Rangel : conception / performance 

Ricardo Rodrigues :: direction and props 

Dudu Tsuda :: original soundtrack 

FUDIVA circo do asfalto.jpg
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